Engleski jezik za početnike

Engleski jezik za početnike

Besplatan kurs engleskog sa izgovorom na Youtube kanalu EngleskiZaPocetnike

January 3, 2012

Razgovor na temu vremena na engleskom :)

Ako vam je prethodni post na temu vremena u engleskom bio suviše jednostavan, odslušajte ove kratke razgovore i pokušajte da odgovorite na sledeća pitanja:

1.What's the weather like in New York ?
2. What's the weather like in London ?
3. What's the weather like in France ?
Vaš grad:
4. What's the weather like today ?
5. What was the weather like yesterday ?

Još vežbi uz prošlo i sadašnje vreme glagola biti - kliknite na ove linkove:


Divna said...

I don`t know what is the weather like in New York, in London and in France beacuse I don`t understand the video.
In my city the weather is very nice today.
The weather was too nice yesterday.

Marija M. said...

1. It's a beautiful day in New York. It's cool and It's crisp. It's Autumn.
2. In London is could and windy. Very cold, windy and not very nice.
3. Beautiful day today. Very nice. Like South of France.
4. Today weather is sunny cold and very nice. Not windy.
5. Yesterday was ugly day. All day it rained.

Kurs 365 Dana Engleskog

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