Engleski jezik za početnike

Engleski jezik za početnike

Besplatan kurs engleskog sa izgovorom na Youtube kanalu EngleskiZaPocetnike

December 14, 2011

Engleski jezik - pridevi u akciji :)

Odslušajte ovaj video u kome se objašnjava kako da opišete neku osobu:

Reči koje vam mogu biti nepoznate, a koje se pojavljuju u ovom video snimku su:

to descirbe = opisati
to need = trebati
adjectives = pridevi
TO BE = glagol biti
nationality = nacionalnost
He's from Spain = on je iz Španije
job/profession = posao/profesija
musician = muzičar
politician = političar
age = starost
young = mlad
old= star
middle-aged = srednjih godina
she is 25 years old = ona ima 25 godina
height = visina
weight = težina
tall = visok
short = nizak
thin = mršav
fat = debeo
average = prosečan
personality = ličnost
funny = zabavan
serious = ozbiljan
sociable = društven
TO HAVE = imati
hairstyle = izgled kose
brown hair= smeđa kosa
short hair= kratka kosa
blond hair = plava kosa (koristi se isto "fair hair")
eye colour = boja očiju
she has green eyes = ona ima zelene oči

*U engleskom NIKADA ne možete reći "she has 20 years old", već "She IS 20 years old"

Iskoristite ove korisne a jednostavne fraze da opišete jednog člana svoje porodice. Evo jednog primera od ranije.

Spisak korisnih prideva u engleskom jeziku na ovu temu možete naći ako kliknete na prideve u akciji :)


Marija M. said...

One person from my group.
She's from Serbia.She's a teacher and she's young. She's average height and wight. She's sociable.
She have short blond hair(on Skype).
We are all love her.

marice4 said...

She is from Serbia.She is a Serbian. She is a maried. She has a two childrens. She has a beautiful housband who is help her. Her son is Ivan. She wear a glasses. She has blue eyes. She wears a red shoes and a red belt.She is a young.

marice4 said...

She is from Serbia.She is a Serbian. She is a maried. She has a two childrens. She has a beautiful housband who is help her. Her son is Ivan. She wear a glasses. She has blue eyes. She wears a red shoes and a red belt.She is a young. She is a beautiful person.

Kurs 365 Dana Engleskog

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